Executive Committee

To fulfill the objects of the institute and to run the administration work, the members of the association have formed an executive committee in the very first general meeting of the Association. The maximum strength of the trustees at any given time shall not exceed (11) eleven members at present but extendable after compliances if needed. The election for the members of the executive committee shall take place every (3) three years unless extended for valid reason and approved by AGM. The term of the executive committee shall be for a period of (3) three years unless extended for valid reason and approved by AGM. If by any reason, a member of the executive committee dies, sick, absentee or resigns from the place, the vacant place, for the remainder of the term, shall be filled by majority resolution or opinion of the executive committee. The vacant place shall only be given to one of the life members who have completed 2 'years of membership. Absence for two consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without any justified reason shall make the member liable for termination of membership of the Executive Committee without notice.