• Focusing On

    Upgrading the orthopaedic implant industries
    by knowledge sharing & quality awareness

  • Focusing On

    Upgrading the orthopaedic implant industries
    by knowledge sharing & quality awareness


ORTHOPAEDIC IMPLANTS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (OIMA) is the First & Largest Government registered association of licenced manufacturer of orthopaedic implants PAN India. Our members have representation Worldwide.
The objective of the trust, without restriction to caste, creed and religion will be under the provisions of the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 and the Societies Registration Act 1860 and are as under

The main aims and objects for which the Association is established are the advancements of overall welfare of the people and general and ORTHOPAEDIC manufacturers for the following purposes.

General Body Meeting

The General body meetings shall be held at least once in year. The notice of convening the meeting of the General body must be received by each member at least seven days in advance from the date of the meeting.

The quorum for the meeting of the executive committee shall be four members.


All licenced manufacturers of orthopaedic implants in india are eligible to join the association as members of the association.

Executive Committee

To fulfill the objects of the institute and to run the administration work, the members of the association have formed an executive committee in the very first general meeting of the Association.